Friday, September 23, 2016


Singapore's Tourist Attraction

Hasil gambar untuk merlion

1. Orchard Road

#1 of Tourist Attractions In Singapore
Hasil gambar untuk orchard road singapore
Hasil gambar untuk orchard road singapore

              Orchard Road is the main shopping street of Singapore, regularly frequented by locals as well as foreign tourists. Orchard Road is flanked by malls, numerous upmarket restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, and hotels. It is also the site of the official residence of the President of Singapore.  

2. Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay
Hasil gambar untuk gardens by the bay singapore
Hasil gambar untuk gardens by the bay

               Gardens by the Bay is a recent addition to Singapore's tourist attractions, but it is one that gardeners won't want to miss visiting. Gardens by the Bay is built on reclaimed land in central Singapore. It consists of three gardens :
- Bay Central : a garden with a waterfront walk
- Bay East      : which is opening in phases
- Bay South    : the largest garden 

source :

Thursday, September 22, 2016



                     Hello ! Today, I will explain you about Festival Budaya SMAN 3 Bandung. Theme of Festival Budaya 2016 is MEGANTARA. Festival Sastra, Seni, dan Budaya SMAN 3 Bandung is one of the activity or event organized by SMAN 3 Bandung which is regularly held once a year.

Hasil gambar untuk megantara sman 3 bandung

                    MEGANTARA is taken from the Sanscrit. From "Mega" and "Gantari" which takes the concept of archipelago. If "Mega" and "Gantari" are combined, it will be "MEGANTARA", which means "fancy rays". MEGANTARA divided into several regions or area. Those are Kalimantan, Java, Sumatera, Sulawesi, and Papua. At each regions or area, there is a culture from each regions. For example of each culture are musical instrument from each regions, regional food, local dance, and games from each regions. For example, in Java, we can found batagor, cireng, kendang, angklung, Jaipong dance, and many more.


Hasil gambar untuk megantara sman 3 bandung                  MEGANTARA has one main purpose. What is it ? This Festival Budaya was held for present the culture of Indonesia to all residents of Indonesia although foreign residents. MEGANTARA was held on September 10th 2016. It started from 10.00 AM until 10.00 PM. It's located at Lapangan Bali ( Bali Street Number 8 ). The costs for the ticket of  MEGANTARA is Rp35.000,00 . But, if you buy it when presale 1, it costs Rp25.000,00. And presale 2 is Rp30.000,00. Ticket stand of presale 1 is located at Car Free Day Dago.  

                   This Festival Budaya, has so many guest star. These are RAN, The Changcuters, Wayang Golek Putra Giri Harja 3, Tiloe's Theatre, and many more. Finally, this event runs successfully.

                   Hopefully, Festival Budaya 2017 SMAN 3 Bandung will be more success than this year.


See you on my next post !



World Tournament and Techno Fest 2016

WTTF ( World Tournament and Techno Fest )

              WTTF or commonly referred to World Tournament and Techno Fest 2016, is one of the activities organized by Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Bandung. That activities was held in Lapangan Bali. Lapangan Bali is located in Bali Street Number 8. WTTF is the sport activities. One of the sport activities we do is morning run. We did a morning run from Bali Street, then Java Street, Kalimantan Street, and until Bali Street again.
            Other than we did sport activities, in World Tournament and Techno Fest 2016, we must to speak English all day long. Because, this activity not only for sports score, but this activity is one of the english score or english appraisal too.  Other activities that we did in WTTF are games. These games were held in SMAN 3, Taman Musik, Lapangan Bali, Taman Foto, and the other places. On that day, we did some games that we can share the solidarity, cooperation, fairness, responsibility, and caring. One of the games is Twister.

Hasil gambar untuk twister game
                   World Tournament and Techo Fest 2016, was held on August 20th.  It's started at 06.30 AM. And it ends at 15.00 PM.

                   WTTF is the fun sports and english activity. In this activity, we can make a new friends, we can share the solidarity, cooperation, caring, and responsibility. Hopefully, the positive values from this activity, we can apply it in the real life for ever.
                   That's all my opinion about WTTF.
                   Thank you !